Chief Scientific Editor
Glazunova L.A., D.Sc. (Veterinary), Associate Professor, Member of the Helminthologists Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FSBEI HE SAU of the Northern Trans-Urals.
Deputy Chief Scientific Editor
Deputy Chief Scientific Editor — K.A. Sidorova, D.Sc. (Biology), Professor, Head of the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, FSBEI HE SAU of the Northern Trans-Urals;
Deputy Chief Scientific Editor — O.V. Roytblat, D.Sc. (Pedagogical), Associate Professor, Head of the Center for Socially Significant Projects, GAOU TOU DPO «TOGIRRO»
Deputy Chief Scientific Editor — L.P. Pachikova, D.Sc. (Pedagogical), Professor, Professor of the Department of Law, Economics and Methods of Teaching them, FSBEI HE «Ural State University of Economics»;
Nikolay V. Abramov, Dr. of Agricultural Sci., Prof., Head of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Vladimir N. Domatsky, Dr. of Biological Sci., Prof., Head of Infectious and Invasive Diseases Department of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Dmitry I. Eremin, Dr. of Biological Sci., Associate Professor, Prof. of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Department of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Oksana V. Kochetova, Dr. of Veterinarian Sci., Prof. of Zootechnics Department of the FGEI HE Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Alexander I. Litvinenko, Dr. of Biological Sci., Senior Researcher, Prof. of Hydro Bioresources and Aquaculture Department of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Liudmila I. Litvinenko, Dr. of Biological Sci., Senior Researcher of Commercial Invertebrates Laboratory of Tyumen Branch of the FSBSI «VNIRO», Prof. of Hydro Bioresources and Aquaculture Department of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Alexander A. Lyashchev, Dr. of Biological Sci., Prof., Head of General Biology Department of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Alevtin V. Miftahutdinov, Dr. of Biological Sci., Prof., Head of Morphology, Physiology and Pharmacology Department of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine, the FSBEI HE South Ural State Agrarian University,
Sergey S. Kozak, Dr. of Biological Sci., Prof., Chief Researcher of the Laboratory for Raw Materials and Products Sanitary and Hygienic Assessment of VNIIPP, Prof. of Morphology, Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise Department of the Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy.
Susanna A. Pashayan, Dr. of Biological Sci., Associate Prof., Prof. of Anatomy and Physiology Department of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Galina A. Petukhova, Dr. of Biological Sci., Associate Professor, Prof. of Ecology and Genetics Department of the FSAEI HE Tyumen State University,
Klavdia A. Sidorova, Dr. of Biological Sci., Prof., Head of Anatomy and Physiology Department of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Igor V. Sinyavsky, Dr. of Biological Sci., Associate Prof., Prof. of Ecology, Agrochemistry and Plant Protection Department of the FSBEI HE South Ural State Agrarian University (branch),
Alexander I. Syso, Dr. of Biological Sci., Senior Researcher, Deputy Director for Research, Head of Soil Biogeochemistry Laboratory of the FSBI of Science Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (IPA SB RAS),
Natalia A. Tatarnikova, Dr. of Veterinarian Sci., Prof., Head of Infectious Diseases Department of the FSBEI HE Perm State Agro-Technological University,
Nadezhda S. Bespalova, Dr. of Veterinarian Sci., Prof., Prof. of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise, Epizootiology and Parasitology Department, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter,
Yury V. Glazunov, Dr. of Veterinarian Sci., Associate Professor, Prof. of Infectious and Invasive Diseases Department of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Larisa A. Glazunova, Dr. of Veterinarian Sci., Associate Professor, Vice-rector for research of the FSBEI HE Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University,
Mikhail D. Novak, Dr. of Biological Sci., Prof., Professor of Biology Department of the FSBEI HE Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
Yury N. Zelenov, Dr. of Pedagogical Sci., Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region, Yekaterinburg,
Natalia G. Milovanova, Dr. of Pedagogical Sci., Prof., Prof. of Psychology and Pedagogy Department, Vice-rector of the SAEI APE of the Tyumen Region Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education,
Lidia N. Pirumova, Academician of MAI, Cand. of Pedagogical Sci., Deputy Director for Research of the FSBSI Central Scientific, Agricultural Library,
Olga V. Roitblat, Dr. of Pedagogical Sci., Associate Professor, Rector of the SAEI APE of the Tyumen Region Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education,
Olga B. Sladkova, Dr. of Culturology, Prof., Prof. of Professional Education Pedagogy and Psychology Department of FSBEI HE Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy.
Maria S. Leontyeva, Dr. of Pedagogical Sci., Associate Prof., Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, the FSBEI HE “Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism” (SCOLIPE)
Nickolay Ya. Prokopyev, Dr. of Medical Sci., Prof.; Professor of the Department of Humanitarian and Natural Science Foundations of Physical Culture and Sports of the FSAEI HE “Tyumen State University”
Lilia B. Andryushchenko, Dr. of Pedagogical Sci., Prof., Head of the Physical Education Department, the FSBEI HE “Plekhanov Russian University of Economics”
International Editorial Board
Vera I. Bushueva, Dr. of Agricultural Sci., Prof., Belarus
Natalia V. Volgina, Dr. of Agricultural Sci., Prof., Ukraine
Sholpan M. Zhumadina, Dr. of Biological Sci., Associate Professor, Kazakhstan
Jan Campbell, Dr. of Philosophy, Prof., Czech Republic, Germany
Inza. Kühling, Dr. of Agricultural Sci., Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
K. I. Minzhanovosov, Dr. of Veterinarian Sci., Prof., Kazakhstan.
Ayaz U. Ramazanov, Dr. of Agricultural Sci., Kazakhstan.
Nickolay A. Sadomov, Dr. of Agricultural Sci., Prof., Belarus
Valentina G. Tkachenko, Dr. of Economics, Prof., Ukraine